Thursday, January 25, 2018

11 days and counting


It's been quite a bit of time since I've written.  About 10 days.
Shit.  I had every intention of writing to document each day I did this juicing cleanse and blogging about it.  That didn't happen.  It was WAY harder than I thought it was going to be.  Those first 3 days were hell.  I could barely think, let alone "function" well enough to take care of my daughter.  Thankfully, my husband was off work and was able to help me out.  So...there was no way in hell I was going to be expending energy I barely had to write on this blog.  

Ok, here's a run-down of my juicing experience.


Got fuller faster
I didn't eat solid food so it was quick
Low amount of dishes at night
Once the three days past, tons of energy
Slept less, felt good
Rash on my face/arms went away
No acne
Poop wasn't "super stinky"....or hard to get it 
Felt healthy
No cravings for sugar
No cravings for salt
No cravings for greasy/fried foods
Calmer (after the 3rd day)
Less irritable (after the 3rd day)

TONS of prep work; cleaning fruit/veggies, slicing, dicing and juicing
TONS of cleaning of the juicer; pulp, shit everywhere
LOTS of soaking of juicer items and containers
I craved solid food after about 7 days
Headaches for the first 3 days...from lack of caffeine
Body aches from lack of sugar for the first 3 days...
My body cleansed for 3 days straight....

 I feel good. I mean, I really feel good.  My body feels clean and rejuvenated.  I'll definitely be doing some more of these cleanses in the near future.  I know what types of juices I like and what types I don't.  I also know that the ones I don't like I have to drink more of because they container more protein and most of the veggies I'm not a huge fan of.  It's alright thou, feeling reset is amazing.  

In total, I lost about 8's a comparison....this fool has 8 pounds of cereal in this bag: 


I'm not ready to start hitting the gym.  I'm thinking I'd like to get back into boxing and working on my upper body strength.  Many moons ago, I used to shadow box and I loved it.  I used to work out with a bunch of old dudes who were cool.  It's a definite that I'll have more strength and agility to get on that treadmill and stair climber or whatever the hell else I decide to start with.  

I also have been doing exercises with my daughter.  My arm strength has increased two fold.  I can now pick her up and not worry about my arms going "spaghetti-ish" and fearing I'll drop her.  I found an easy youtube video that lets me spend time with her while working up a big sweat. 

Here's the link:

All in all, best thing I've done for MYSELF in a very long time.  I've been doing so much for my family that I often times forget about self-care.  This wasn't easy to do by any means, especially when you've spent your whole life feeling sluggish and nasty because of the things you've eaten.  I've never had a healthy outlook on life.  Food as always been a "comfort" to me mentally.  Once you step outside of those cravings and realize that there's so much more to food than just shitty eats; it transforms your psyche'.

I know some people aren't water drinkers, others hate tea.  Some of us absolutely HATE veggies and some of us refuse to realize that they way we cook is detrimental to our well-being.  The things I've noticed is that you can cook well and healthy and it doesn't have to taste like fucking cardboard or look like dog shit.  It's ok to add a little bit to spice up your food; a little bit of butter, some nice pink sea salt; a dash of peppercorn, get the drift.  

My double chin is almost non existent now.  My daughter has nothing to flick with her little hand now when I lay her down for a nap, fucking amazing.  I also don't stray in the grocery store anymore; I have no desire for unrefined foods: cakes, pies, donuts, etc.  I'm hoping this isn't just a fad for my brain and I stick with it.  Shit, I even went to FUCKING COSTCO....I didn't buy one mother fucking bulk pack of cinnamon buns; or a carrot cake.  I bought asparagus, brocolli, an asian veggie medley to cook with.  I even patted myself on the back for that; my brain's taken a turn for goodness.  

For that I'm eternally grateful.  I give props to those motherfuckers who can do the 30-60 day fasting with the juice.  NOT ME....

My newest obsession is my profile.  I've gotten wrapped up in it.  I figured I needed something for the little bit of downtime I do have; and this is sufficient.  Thanks to my sister-in-law for putting the bug up my ass to check it out.  She's been interested in her own heritage and we've had tons of conversations about it.  A week or so ago, we decided to look some stuff up and it amazed me what the website has.  There's a ton of census information from 1910,20,30,40,50, and on....birth and death certificates; certifications; war name it it's probably on there.  

A few months ago I sent in for a DNA test through My results came in and it was interesting.  It's showing that over 40 percent of "me" is of "Great Britian" origin.  It's also go my eastern european heritage listed (which was a given) and a few others; one of which was noted as "African North"...which blew me away.  I was surprised to not see any native american in there; a friend on my facebook said that it won't come up.  Another friend suggested I try another place to see if this test was accurate.  

Gotta explore my options and see what I can come up with.

Until then.....

U gotta admit, that shit's funny.  


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