Saturday, January 13, 2018

Something inspiring should go here...

I'm just jumping right in here today; I have been starring at this screen for well over 45 minutes and my brain has drawn out a little "pssst" sound...u know the one you get when you fart?  Yup.  That's what I've got going on today; is fog.  Pure foggy brain. I contribute this to eating less sugar/carbs and fatty oils the last three days.  It's recommended that you start cutting back prior to the juicing to help have less of a reaction.  So, less junkie vibes is what I'm getting from that.  My husbands' also been kind enough to help get rid of all the "bad" shit in our fridge/pantry so there's no temptation.  Kudos to you big man.  This shit is going to be so hard.  I know it.  Now's the time to try to psych myself up to this as a "goal".  A "start to finish" type mentality and if necessary....bust out some Billy Ocean quotes; like:

So we ended up getting the juicer in on Friday and it wasn't supposed to be in until next Thursday.

 That threw me for a loop, fuck.  It's here.  We've spent money on equipment and it's now REAL. 
Shit.  I think I may have had a mini panic-attack when I saw the box sitting on my doorstep.  I waited until my husband got home and he was the one who opened it, he was more excited than I was, considerably.  He does that sometimes, surprises me.  When I first broached the subject of juicing he just kind of...well....half listened.  So for him to be super excited for it, and not I...poses one of a few questions for me.

1.  Is he actually excited?
2.  Is he trying to get me motivated?
3.  He wants to be healthier?
4.  All of thee above?

I'm going to try for 4; I've been talking his ear off for the last week about this juicing adventure I wanted to go on; how I'm dead serious about getting healthier for our daughter and myself and to be there for him more.  We've discussed everything from plant protein; animal protein, carcinogens in meat and how a variety of diseases are actually caused by a lot of food we are told to be considered healthy for our bodies. 

I got a few of these ideas from another documentary I watched called:  "What the Health?"

*This link above is to the actual documentary website, and u can watch the video there*

It basically broke down how our bodies aren't meant to live on just "meat" and that we should be eating a more plant based diet.  I'm a researcher; I will watch something and then do a few hours of research and dig up what I can and read both sides of a story/idea/conspiracy and I forge my own conclusions.  There are articles that "debunk" this documentary; it is very PRO-PLANT/VEGAN and does often highlight why we should eat NO MEAT whatsoever.  I think it's a bit exaggerating; most of us have common sense and KNOW what meat and foods to avoid, as well as sugar/carbs.  So the basis for this documentary is good; however it does have flaws.

*This link above is a debunking article, a good read*

I will say though, that it does raise a few questions as to the validity of what we're being told through advertising.  Doesn't it make you wonder?  Is medicine is only around to just treat the symptoms of an issue, and not actually help cure the problem?  Big Pharma is a BILLION dollar a year racket.  If doctors treated and cured, there would be no need for pills; no need for production; no money in it for them. 

The great thing about living in America (and Canada too) is that we all have a CHOICE on how we'd like to live.  We're not in a third world country where you're told what to do on a daily basis, how to live, how to eat, who to marry; etc.  We have it in us to CHOOSE how we want to live.  We can DECIDE what we want to eat, what we put into our bodies; what we fuel our brains, hearts, soul and stomachs with.  So by all means, if you want to continue what you've been doing and you're ok with it, go for it dude.  If it makes you happy personally, who am I or someone else to tell you otherwise?  It's your life, your body.  I know it's time for me personally to make this change. I don't feel healthy.

I'll admit as much as I know my brain is strong, my willpower needs a bit of work and it's much easier when you have someone to help you; you don't feel so alone.  My husband is my partner but I've been fortunate enough to be part of a group of lovely ladies who's sole goal is to talk about their struggles, dreams, ideas and also to help motivate everyone else and encourage moving forward as well.  It truly helps knowing you have that kind of support.  No judging, no gossip; no shitty responses, catty replies or straight up bitchy behavior.  That shit should be left alone, period.  People are so used to breaking each other down and being negative that should be NOT TOLERATED.  FUCK THAT.

We literally only have this one life to live.  How do you want to remember it?  Being miserable? Sick?  I sure the fuck don't.  My entire outlook on life changed when I became a mother. I now realize what it means to give yourself to your family and take care of them.  Your someone's mother, provider, shoulder to lean on; you are that babies world.  This beautiful innocent soul; who has yet to be tainted by outside forces.  It's time to build a legacy that my daughter (and any other future children) can be damn proud of, potty mouth and all.  I want to raise a strong, beautiful, sensitive girl to always remember the good in people, to stand her ground.  I want her to KNOW SHE MEANS SOMETHING, that SHE'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE SOMEONE and that she's FUCKING IMPORTANT.  I want my husband to know that he is MY ONE AND ONLY and that he's ABSOLUTELY THE MOST AMAZING MAN TO BE BY MY SIDE. 

This is what I leave you with.  Until next time. 


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